

Minyue refers to Chinese folk music, which is performed using traditional Chinese musical instruments.



According to the way they are played, traditional Chinese musical instruments are divided into four basic categories: wind, percussion, plucked and struck strings.



The major Chinese wind instruments are the sheng, dizi, suona and xiao, each of which possesses strong individuality. The suona is a very distinctive instrument, which can be used to convey either joy or sadness. It is widely used by the Chinese people for a variety of occasions, including weddings and funerals.



The main Chinese plucked musical instruments are the zheng, yangqin, pipa and sanxian. Most of them have clear and melodious timbres which penetrate and fill the air.



Chinese percussion instruments include the dagu (large drum), xiaogu (small drum), daluo (large gong), xiaoluo (small gong), and dabo (large cymbal).



Chinese bowed string musical instruments include the erhu, banhu, jinghu, zhonghu and gaohu.



Chinese folk music performances come in a variety of forms, including solo performances, ensembles and accompaniments, of which solo performances are the most popular. Some of the most famous solo pieces are: Three Variations on the Plum Blossom, which is a plucked string tune; Ambushed from Ten Sides, performed with the pipa; Evening Song on the Fishing Boat, played with the zheng; A Hundred Birds Worship the Phoenix, played with the suona; Flying Partridge, played with the dizi; and Two Springs Reflecting the Moon, played with the erhu.