
The Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum, the resting place of the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, an ancient ancestor of Chinese people, is located on the top of Mount Qiao in the north of Huangling County in the central part of Shaanxi Province. Every year on the Tomb-Sweeping Day and the Double Ninth Festival, a solemn sacrificial ceremony is held there.


The Yellow Emperor, who was surnamed Gongsun and named Xuanyuan, was a great tribal chief at the end of the primitive society in China. He was not only the unifier of the three big tribes in the Yellow River basin, but also a pioneer of the splendid Chinese civilization. Therefore, he was acknowledged as the common ancestor of all Chinese people and his resting place the “No.1 mausoleum in China”.


There are two grand worship ceremonies held at the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum: one is the national public ceremony on the Tomb-Sweeping Day and the other is the folk ceremony on the Double Ninth Festival.


The public ceremony, held in the name of the official government and originating in the Spring and Autumn Period, has been one of the national sacrificial ceremonies since the Tang Dynasty. Ancient Chinese emperors would offer sacrifices to the Yellow Emperor at the mausoleum on festivals or whenever an important event happened. In the year 1912, after imperialism was overthrown in China and Sun Yat-sen assumed the office of the Interim President, he sent a delegation to pay homage to the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan on Mount Qiao and personally wrote a memorial eulogy for the Yellow Emperor. Today, the public ceremony in memory of the Yellow Emperor on the Tomb-Sweeping Day is still held as a great traditional event of the Chinese people, being all grand and solemn.

    现在大型的民间祭祀黄帝活动是在重阳节举行的,由黄陵县组织,一些民间团体和个人参加。这一天,来自世界各地的华夏儿女,不远万里,齐聚黄陵,参加祭祖大典。与国家公祭相比,民间祭祖无固定的仪式,气氛更为活跃,内容也更为丰富。 The big folk event in honor of the Yellow Emperor is held on every Double Ninth Festival in Huangling County and participated by some civil organizations and individuals. On the occasion, a lot of Chinese people (people of the Huaxia nation) come all the way from various places around the world to gather at the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum to worship the ancestor. Compared with the state-level public ceremony, the folk event, subject to no fixed form of ceremony, is characterized by a livelier atmosphere and a richer content.
    轩辕黄帝开启了中华文明的历史与记忆,黄帝陵祭典不只是一种仪式,它已经成了延绵在中国人心里的一种精神符号,它教导人们感念先祖,不忘根本,同时也在激励后人要勤奋努力、光宗耀祖。 As the Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan is the father of civilization in the Chinese history, the sacrificial ceremonies at the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum are far from being some random rites, but rather a spiritual symbol cherished deep in the heart of the Chinese people which tells them not to forget their ancestors, nor their roots, and at the same time encourages later generations to work hard and bring honor to their ancestors.
    千百年来,拜祭黄帝陵的人络绎不绝,黄帝陵已成为海内外华夏儿女寻根祭祖的“圣地”。 Over the centuries, the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum has attracted an endless stream of worshippers and has become a holy land for all the Chinese people home and abroad to seek their roots and pay respect to their ancestors.
    2006年,黄帝陵祭典被列入中国国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 In 2006, the sacrificial ceremonies at the Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum were added to the list of China’s National Intangible Cultural Heritage.