

“Upon the Clear-and-Bright Feast of spring, the rain drizzleth down in spray. Pedestrians on countryside ways, in gloom are pining away. When asked ‘Where a tavern fair for rest, is hereabouts to be found’, the shepherd boy the Apricot Bloom Vill, doth point to afar and say.” This well-known Tang poem is a vivid description of the Qingming Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. Qingming was not a festive day at first, but only one of the 24 solar terms, which usually falls on the 5th day of April. From that day on, rainfall becomes more frequent and the weather begins to warm up.



Another name for the Qingming Festival is Cold Food Day. The major custom for the occasion is the tomb-sweeping ceremony, namely, cleaning or sweeping the tombs of ancestors to pay homage to them. This custom is said to have lasted for 2,500 years. People of a family spread some new earth on their family grave (or graves) and clear away the weeds growing on it (or them). Then they deposit offerings of food and wine in front of the tomb stone or at the altar with a stick of burning incense. Next, the members of the family begin to kowtow or bow and pray. Nowadays, to save land resources, the practice of burial in the ground has not been encouraged in most parts of China. Tomb-sweeping has gradually given way to a ceremony of cherishing the memory of the deceased folks.



The Qingming Festival takes place at the time of blooming spring. So aside from cherishing the memory of the deceased, people often take the opportunity to have trips to the suburbs to breathe the fresh air, enjoy the scenery of blooming flowers, fly kites and play on swings. It is the time to delight in the splendor of spring.



Here is one of the ten famous paintings handed down from ancient times in China called “Riverside Scenes on the Qingming Festival” This painting depicts the scene of the Qingming Festival of the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. As this 12th-century painting shows, the Qingming Festival is an occasion not only for people to mourn their ancestors, but also for expressing their love of life and their gentle disposition.