to Standard Chinese Pinyin System(2nd Edition) consists of a textbook
and a workbook, aiming to give a systematic introduction to Chinese Pinyin.
This workbook, strictly in line with he contents of
the textbook, consists of Pinyin exercises covering Lessons 2–10 in the
textbook. The aim is to help learners review and reinforce what they have
learned in class. The Pinyin exercises begin with a warm-up which helps review
the highlights of the lesson followed by a variety of tasks to reinforce the
Pinyin knowledge that has been imparted. Each lesson consists of a cover and a
few pages of Pinyin exercises. Learners can also scan the QR code on the cover
of each lesson to listen to the audio recordings. After completing the
exercises in each lesson, learners can detach the entire lesson including the
cover and submit it to the instructor. An answer key can be found at the end of
the workbook for independent learners’ reference.
H. Shen is a professor and Chinese language project manager at the University
of Iowa in the United States and a former president of the Chinese Language
Teachers Association. Ms. Shen’s research interests lie in the acquisition,
development and teaching of CSL (Chinese as a second language) reading skills.
She received an International Research grant from the US Department of
Education during 2005–2008 and a STARTALK grant from the US Department of
Defense in 2010. She has established the biggest CSL reading website in the
world and has authored several academic books and university textbooks in
addition to more than 20 journal articles.