This FAQs page will be updated frequently. If you have a question that is not answered below, please send an enquiry email to

Q1: How can I find information about a specific BLCUP title?
First, make sure that the title is published by Beijng Language and Culture University Press (generally, books with the ISBN beginning in "75619" will be published by BLCUP, although sometimes we have books in our catalog with different initial ISBN numbers). Next, go to the search box (upper right-hand corner of every page) and type in one or two words from the book's title. You can also type in the author's name or the title's ISBN (International Standard Book Number), the ten-digit identifying number.

Q2: Can I order a title from BLCUP online instead of having to fax or phone my order in?
BLCUP provides a secure online shopping cart for individuals placing credit card orders. You need to register a BLCUP ID first, then login with your ID before ordering titles online. BLCUP's shopping cart ordering system allows you to order several titles at one time.
 Q3: Will BLCUP ship to my country? Is it possible to make the purchases using my VISA or Master credit card? What's the cost of shipping and handling charges? How long it takes to process the order and ship to my country?
With the following international shipping options, BLCUP can ship to virtually any address in the world.
Shipping options and the estimated shipping time:
DHL Express Courier (averages 2-4 business days)
International Mail Service by air (averages 10-20 business days)
SAL (averages 15-30 business days)
International Mail Service by sea (60-90 business days) accepts online payment via verified VISA or Master credit card with secure codes.

Shipping charges will be calculated within one business day depending on your package weight, as well as the delivery distance and the shipping method you selected. Please re-login later with your BLCUP ID and enter your order center (upper left-hand corner of every page) to check your order status. You may start payment when Shipping charges becomes Confirmed if you agree to pay for the shipping charges.
 Q4: Why can't my credit card pay normally?
If your VISA or Master card in hand is effective, the main reason is that you have not done the online verification for your credit card. That is free service provided by the credit card company to guarantee the secure online shopping for customers. You may directly request your sending card bank to add this kind of service by telephone or you can also apply for this service online. In terms of VISA card, this service is called verified by visa service, and in terms of MasterCard it is called MasterCard secure code service. Actually this will provides you with one secure code to guarantee your personally use of this card, and to avoid the occurrence of fraud.

Whether secured code service charges or not ?
It does not charge any fee to increase this service.
Why is the net speed very slow during the payment?
When you submit your credit card information, the IPS platform is verifying the identity to the relevant bank through 128 key encryption. Moreover, if your credit card is issued by an overseas bank, the network itself will also delay certain time about 10 seconds.
Q5: How to make the secure verification for my payment card?
You can apply for the secure payment verification on line.
The user holding the VISA card may directly enter page to choose your national page to carry on the application. Usually enter the personal option and then choose visa security service. Then application is allowed on line. Certainly you can also use search engine, for instance fill visacard and English name of your coyntry at and carrie on a fast search, then carrieon visa security search in our country visacard search engine page. The English customer may directly enter the page to apply, the American customer may directly enter the page to apply while the Canadian customer may directly enter the page
The MASTER card user can directly enter to choose the corresponding country to carry on this application in the page of your nation. Usually choose the mastercard secure code service option in cardholder service. Certainly you can also use search engine. For instance, fill in mastercard and your nation’s English name in to carry on the fast search, then directly seeks secure code or safe shopping online in national mastercard search page.

Q6: How to make payment through a wire transfer from my local bank to BLCUP account?

Please make payment through a wire transfer from your local bank to the following account:
Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dong Sheng Banking Branch
Account Name: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
Acc(RMB): 0200006209004614147
Acc(USD): 0200006209200061145
Address: FangXing Building, No.30 XueYuan Road Haidian District, Beijing China, 100083
Tel: 86-10-82303652
Please send your BLCUP order number and the copy of your transfer receipt to so that we can prepare your ordered books in advance.

USD payment routing information through a wire transfer:
Correspondent of Beneficiary's Banker: JPMorgan Chase ,New York Branch, New York
BENE Banker's A/C NO: 001043718
Beneficiary banker's name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, PRC
BLCUP Account Name: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
BLCUP Account Number: 0200006209200061145
Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dong Sheng Banking Branch
Address: FangXing Building, No.30 XueYuan Road Haidian District, Beijing China, 100083
ZIP/Postal Code: 100083
Tel: 86-10-82303652

EUR payment routing information through a wire transfer:
Correspondent of Beneficiary's Banker: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Frankfurt Branch
BENE Banker's A/C NO: 0950019000
Beneficiary banker's name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, PRC
BLCUP Account Name: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
BLCUP Account Number: 0200006209200061145
Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Dong Sheng Banking Branch
Address: FangXing Building, No.30 XueYuan Road Haidian District, Beijing China, 100083
ZIP/Postal Code: 100083
Tel: 86-10-82303652

Please notice that if you make payment through a wire transfer, the banks and their branches may deduct handling charges from the amount of the telegraphic transfer. These charges can vary by bank and by country. In most cases, the average rate is 5% of the order total amount and those charges of the bank(s) are expected to be paid by our international customer.

If you tranfer RMB at a bank in China, please use BLCUP RMB account information below:
开户名称(RMB Account name):北京语言大学出版社有限公司
开户银行(RMB Bank name):中国工商银行北京东升路支行
人民币帐号(RMB Account number):0200006209004614147

Q7: Where can I get a copy of the full Beijng Language and Culture University Press catalog?
The full BLCUP catalog in Excel format is available free on the BLCUP website. Please visit page to download Chinese catalog or visit page to download English catalog, which are updating frequently.
Q8: How often are the online catalogs updated?
Our website catalog data are updated weekly. Please note that publication dates and prices are subject to change without notice. Prices in the catalogs are stated in CNY (Sometimes it is stated in ¥ or RMB) and valid only for sales transacted through BLCUP website.
Q9: When I tried to send my card number in order to start online payment on your website, I receive a message saying "A third party may view my information". Is BLCUP website a secure website?
You saw the message because you were using a third-party payment service to make payment online. We can ensure you that BLCUP website IS a secure website while you start payment online with a credit card. You will be connected to a secure payment site operated by CAPINFO. Your payment details will be securely transmitted to the Bank for transaction authorization using 128-bit SSL encryption. It's not necessary to encrypt all web pages that have not relationship with payment online.