Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (National Standard: Application and Interpretation) Volume 1: Grade Descriptors, Syllables, and Characters
Author:Center for Language Education and Cooperation, China’s Ministry of Education (MOE)
Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education
(National Standard: Application and Interpretation) (hereinafter
referred to as the Interpretation) is
an interpretation of the practical use of Chinese
Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education (hereinafter referred to as the Standards),
giving a further explanation and demonstration of the Standards in terms of its overall framework, descriptors, lists of
syllables, characters, and vocabulary as well as the grammar syllabus.
The Interpretation is divided into three
volumes. This book is Volume 1.
Volume 1 deals
with three sections of the Standards –
Grade Descriptors, List of Syllables, and List of Characters. In addition to
the contents in the Standards, for
the List of Syllables, the Interpretation has added representative characters for syllables at each level and an
alphabetically ordered overall list; for the List of Characters, the Interpretation has added an
alphabetically ordered overall list of characters, an alphabetically ordered list
of graded homophones, and an overall list of characters for writing.
For international Chinese language teachers and postgraduate students, learners and researchers who are studying international Chinese language education