This book uses language data taken from TV shows to explore the functions of discourse, focusing on the discourse analysis of the typical components of spoken Chinese that are related to personal pronouns. The components dealt with in this book includes: the adverb “可" , discourse markers with personal pronouns, the anaphoric structure “Personal Pronoun+NP”, the personal pronoun “人家" and the structure with a personal pronoun used more than once. Based on the quantitative measurement, analysis and description of the lexical and syntactic features of these five components, this book attempts to reveal the discourse features and functions of these components and makes a preliminary discussion on relevant theoretical issues.
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Mr. Zhang Wangxi was born in Wuhu, Anhui Province, in November 1962. Mr. Zhang is now a researcher and Ph.D. supervisor in Beijing Language and Culture University. He has published over 50 papers in fields such as Chinese Syntax, Chinese Lexicology and Education of Chinese as a Foreign Language and more than 10 books, and has tutored over 80 candidates for master’s and doctor’s degrees. Mr. Zhang has won many prizes and awards, including an Award for Research Achievements in the Humanities and Social Sciences.